Thursday, November 29, 2012

anywhere in time and space. every star that that ever was. where do you want to start?

Recently, there was a sale at Barnes and Nobles for "classics" and I snagged myself some H.P. Lovecraft. Howard Phillips Lovecraft was born in 1890, in Rhode Island. He wrote his first story, The Beast in the Cave, at the tender age of 15. He later wrote The Shadow Out of Time in 1833, when he was 28.

"Man! Look at that archway."
For his first story, The Beast in the Cave was rather impressive. Today's teenagers wouldn't have been able to write anything that would come close to rivaling Lovecraft's short story. The scene was set and the mood was well established. An over zealous tourist gets separated from the group and gets lost in a complex cave system. His torch burns out and he has no other choice but to accept his fate. As a last ditch attempt to save himself, the narrator yells and shouts to attract attention. And attract attention he did, of some beast that had been living in the cave.

The Shadow Out of Time is considerably larger and more detailed. It is more or less a 19th century take on Inception. The story is based around an ancient race of creatures who quest for knowledge. Their society is based around the library and knowledge. As time wears on and their bodies fail, they project their minds into other creatures, effectively having a mass exodus of the entire race, hijacking another species' body. This cycle continues on and on until it affects the protagonist of the story. As a way of gaining knowledge, the creatures send probes into the minds of people in other planets and races. They stay in the body for as long as they need and research the civilization.

All-in-all H.P. Lovecraft is a pretty nifty writer. His stories are short, but have a lasting effect.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Have you ever been so sarcastic, witty and snarky to the point that people think you're stupid? It happens to me a lot. Maybe my humor is too advanced for the rest of society to understand. I'm a big advocate for the snark. It sounds amazingly useful and seems like a necessity.

The snark is a punctuation mark suggested by Henry Denham. It denotes the use of irony and sarcasm. Now then, the use of the snark in novels might not be the greatest idea. I say this because detecting irony in stories is a useful skill and is a main point in literature. However, it is a different story over the internet. I have made fun of people (Oh no! Cyberbullying!!?>!?!!?) over the internet without them knowing. Probably because half the people on the internet are half illiterate. Sometimes I even had to explain my insults to them. However, if the snark was actually used in main stream punctuation, well that'd be really easy then.

There are many other punctuation marks that sound really useful and should be used.

It's a comma combined with a question mark. What else could you ask for? The question comma seems really useful for rhetoric. You could use a series of questions more effectively and it would be more cosmetically pleasing. Isn't underground punctuation the best? 

Life is pretty good.

People who complain about life are annoying. I have 4 AP classes, I finish most of my homework on time and I get at least 7 hours of sleep everyday. Life isn't that hard.

As a matter of fact, life is pretty easy. If you want a good grade, work for it. If you don't want to do homework, then don't do it. Just do whatever makes you happy, because let's be honest here being happy is the whole point of anything.  If doing something doesn't make you happy now or later on, then it's pointless. Don't waste time trying to do things you don't want to.

Another thing to consider is to not freak out about stuff. Seriously. First off it's bad for you, second off it's incredibly annoying to everyone around you. Especially me. Just go with the flow. Don't stress out about things, just fix them if you can. If you can't, oh well.

You kids stress out too much. Just take a step back and chill out, bro. Some things are out of your control and you can't change that.
Also, if homework is making you stay up to three in the morning then first of all your working habits are terrible, secondly you'd be better off not doing your homework. Work smart, not hard. If you can't work smart then don't work at all. It's more beneficial to get your sleep and be ready for the next day than to do some flimsy homework assignment that won't help you in the slightest.