I mean DIY project is the The Importance of a Day. My plan is to collect an item or an idea every single day and record it. There will be two parts to it, a physical collection of all the things/ideas I encounter throughout the day on a poster board or something and an online version. I will need to learn how to use flash and take pictures of the objects and put them onto a flash. They will each link to a little description of what it is, how it relates to the day and if/what I learned.
- What you've accomplished this week.
What I've accomplished this week is decide on a project and plan how to do it.
- What your next steps are.
My next step is to learn how to do basic Flash animations and programs.
- Highlights of your week: the pleasant surprises and painful difficulties, and anything else of note.
I got out of bed today
- Questions for your mentor.
Do I need to have a mentor?