Tuesday, September 25, 2012

An article on hate and peer pressure.

This is, fundamentally and foremost, a rant about people and society. It will be the first of many.

Imagine, for a moment, this hypothetical situation: A young man, wearing an OBEY sweatshirt, hat, sunglasses and two leather jackets, walks into a classroom and rudely disrupts the natural tranquility of the classroom with, "Is that a Justin Bieber folder? I hate Justin Bieber. He's such a girl."

If I had the chance to interview this fine young specimen I would ask him, amongst others, this question, "What has Justin Bieber personally done to you to make you hate him with such fervor?" More likely than not, the answer would be, "I really don't like his songs, he's such a homosexual and other bad and demeaning words."

This offends me and my core principles. Not because I'm Justin Bieber's #1 fan, not because I'm a good person, but because I hate people for legitimate reasons. Sadly, in modern culture people are as amiable as sheep. Sheeple. If hating people is cool, what will be next? Supporting genocide because everybody else is? Where will the line be drawn?

Admittedly, the genocide example may have been a bit harsh, but the sentiment still stands. Unbeknownst to most people in this generation, this generation is a cesspool of irresponsibility, insecurities, and swag. Older generations look down upon us and I cannot stand it. I cannot stand people who do something because it's "cool", who can't think for themselves. I cannot stand people who subscribe to thing, whether it be a brand or an ideology, because everybody else is doing it. I cannot stand the people who are going down and dragging me with them. You could even say I hate them.